Fuquay Coworking Hosts 2016 Ranger Panties Charity Ruck to Benefit NoteInThePocket.org - Fuquay Coworking by Empowered Ideas
Fuquay Coworking, by Empowered Ideas, is a creative coworking space designed for local entrepreneurs — by entrepreneurs. Our mission is to foster creative entrepreneurial development through a creative environment, resources, and access to business services successful entrepreneurs need. We bring the resources and knowledge of enterprise business to local small business owners, in a safe and pressure-free environment, and without the need to invest in expensive office space and equipment.
RPRuck2016, NoteInThePocket, ChildrensCharity, FuquayVarina, FuquayCoworking, Wake
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Fuquay Coworking Hosts 2016 Ranger Panties Charity Ruck to Benefit NoteInThePocket.org

Fuquay Coworking Hosts 2016 Ranger Panties Charity Ruck to Benefit NoteInThePocket.org

rpr-charity-ruck-for-note-in-the-pocketFuquay Coworking is proud to be a “Clothing Drop-Off Partner” for the Ranger Panties Ruck (Charity Clothing Drive) on 11 December.
NoteInThePocket.org provides clothing to impoverished and homeless children in WAKE County. On Sunday, December 11th, Triangle area veterans & rucking enthusiasts will be “rucking” through town in “ranger panties” (military PT shorts) to pickup clothing donations (to benefit Note In The Pocket) collected by our drop-off partners. Yes, it will be COLD, but we gladly do it for the children.


+ Quality USED or NEW Childrens’ Clothes & Shoes
+ Adult Clothes Appropriate for Older Students
+ NEW Socks & Underwear
+ Donate Items at Participating Drop-Off Partners
(Anywhere You See These Posters)


+ 8-10 Mile RP Ruck & Clothing Pickup on 11 DEC.
+ Optional 45/80# Coupon Weight Challenge
+ Start Date & Time: 11 DEC., 2PM
+ Start Location: Fuquay Coworking


If you would like to drop-off your NEW & USED childrens’ clothing donations, please visit us at Fuquay Coworking anytime between 9am and 6pm, M-F.


Fuquay Coworking
1000 N. Main Street, Suite 102
Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526


RSVP to Ruck the #RPRuck2016:


More Info About the Ranger Panties Ruck:
Please contact Nicole W. (PM from Facebook Event Group), or ask for James Wong or Virginia Johnson at Fuquay Coworking.


#RPRuck2016 #NoteInThePocket #ChildrensCharity #FuquayVarina #FuquayCoworking #Wake

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