29 Jan Innovate Fuquay-Varina (2016-2017) Launches New Startups and Enhances Established Small Businesses in Southern Wake County
52-Hour Startup & Business Development Recap
- Day 1 (Friday, Jan. 27th 2017) of #InnovateFV 2017: 10 Pitches were presented and Teams formed. Teams worked throughout the weekend to develop their strategies, build their startup, and/or develop a plan to grow their existing small businesses in Southern Wake.
- Day 2 (Saturday, Jan. 28th 2017) of #InnovateFV 2017. Teams worked feverishly on their startups and/or businesses, while Business Mentors assisted teams throughout the weekend.
- Of the 10 Teams, 3 were existing small businesses participating in the Business Development Track, and 7 were aspiring entrepreneurs in the Startup Development Track.
- 40+ Contributors & Mentors
- 10 Teams
- 7 Startups Developed/Launched
- 3 Enhanced Small Businesses
- 52 AMAZING Hours of Innovation
- Opening Keynote by Fuquay-Varina Mayor John Byrne
InnovateFV Startup Development Weekend, “Class of 2017.”
- Aspiring Entrepreneur, Marisa Highsmith, presenting her new concept for Southern Wake… #ButterBeanDepot
- Aspiring Entrepreneur, Will Clark, launching his concept… #KidTransit
- Aspiring Entrepreneurs & Lego Robotics “Engineers,” Brendan Johnson & RJ Meyers, presenting their idea for #BeeHiveHeaters
- Aspiring Entrepreneurs, Jessie Bowden (& Georgia Hobbs), launching their new startup company specializing in “gifts of affirmation,” named #LopsAndVulpes
- Social Media Marketing Professional & Teacher, Brandon Williams, launches his new Social Media Marketing Agency, #FreshMarketingSolutions
- Aspiring Entrepreneurs, Daniel Pietrzak & Todd Franklin, presenting their “next-level” startup DIY furniture business, #DIWise
- Aspiring Entrepreneur, Sterling Simpson-Johnson, unveiling his plans for high-end bags and luggage, #Velbear
InnovateFV Small Business Development Weekend, “Class of 2017.”
- Adolfo Lunardi of #FuquayCars, Southern Wake’s only dedicated Car Service
- Entrepreneurs and 2016 InnovateFV Finalists, Lynanne Fowle, Mark Fowle, & Jason Browne, of #ThirdDegreeBrewhouse
2016-2017 #InnovateFV WINNERS:
- 1st Place: WoodLazySusan.com
- 2nd Place (Tied): 3rd Degree Brewhouse
- 2nd Place (Tied): Fuquay Cars 919-421-1000
- 1st Place: Bee Hive Heaters
- 2nd Place: Butter Bean Depot
- 3rd Place: D.I. Wise
#FuquayVarina #FV #InnovateFV #Innovate #InnovateFuquayVarina #Fuquay #SmallBusiness #Startups #Entrepreneurs #Entrepreneurship #Nonprofits #Mompreneurs #SupportLocal #SupportLocalFV #SupportFV #Solopreneurs #FVCreators #SouthernWake #Angier #WillowSpring #HollySprings #Raleigh
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