17 Jul Sign-Up for FREE Monthly Community WODs via GORUCK FIREBASE Fuquay Coworking
Interested to learn more about “rucking,” and how it can help you enhance your existing workout routines? Or maybe you’d just like to meet other like-minded individuals looking to get back in shape, while avoiding traditional gyms and their memberships?
Join us as we gather together for our monthly “Community Workout of the Day (WOD),” which will be a great introduction to new “ruckers,” while being a fun and friendly WOD for existing area ruckers.
Fuquay Coworking is an OFFICIAL GORUCK FIREBASE (meaning, participants will be eligible for special event discounts from GORUCK.com).
COST: FREE – Everyone is Invited to Join Us!
- Monday, July 24th (6-8pm)
- Monday, August 21st (6-8pm)
- Monday, September 18th (6-8pm)
- Monday, October 9th (6-8pm)
- Monday, November 6th (6-8pm)
- Monday, December 11th (6-8pm)
Fuquay Coworking
1000 N. Main Street, Suite 102
Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526
- Comfortable Workout Clothes & Shoes
- Backpack or “Ruck”
- Weight in the form of books, wrapped bricks, or metal plates (we have duct tape):
- Beginners: 5 to 10 pounds
- Intermediate: 20 to 30 pounds
- Advanced: 30 to 40+ pounds
- Water Bottle or 2/3L Hydration Bladder
- A Good Attitude! : )
- 5 mins of Warm-Ups
- 30-45 mins of Ruck Workouts
- Ruck Through Fuquay-Varina (Walking with weighted backpacks. We don’t run.)
Learn More About Fuquay Coworking & GORUCK Firebases:
As with any exercise or sport, rucking and “Workout Days” (WODs) have inherent dangers depending on the individual. By participating in a WOD, you do so at your own risk. If you are not comfortable with a particular exercise or set of exercises, please skip it and substitute an appropriate exercise. WODs are fluid and highly adaptable, so please let the Team Lead know about any medical conditions the group should be aware of. Nonetheless, participation will always be AT YOUR OWN RISK.
#GORUCK #GORUCKFIREBASE #FuquayCoworking #Coworking #StayHealthyFV #FuquayVarina #FV
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