Fuquay Coworking Adventure Team: 9/11 Tribute Weekend - GORUCK TOUGH & LIGHT Challenges - Fuquay Coworking by Empowered Ideas
Fuquay Coworking, by Empowered Ideas, is a creative coworking space designed for local entrepreneurs — by entrepreneurs. Our mission is to foster creative entrepreneurial development through a creative environment, resources, and access to business services successful entrepreneurs need. We bring the resources and knowledge of enterprise business to local small business owners, in a safe and pressure-free environment, and without the need to invest in expensive office space and equipment.
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Fuquay Coworking Adventure Team: 9/11 Tribute Weekend – GORUCK TOUGH & LIGHT Challenges

Honoring & Remembering Those We Lost…

The Fuquay Coworking Adventure Team, comprised of members, friends, and family of Fuquay Coworking, have pledged to participate in the GORUCK 9/11 Tribute Challenges during the 2016 September 11th Weekend.


Coworking members will be carrying 20-30 lbs. of weights + water  + gear, while being subjected to rigorous special forces inspired activities and training exercises designed to teach leadership and teamwork in a physically and mentally strenuous environment.


We volunteer ourselves to these challenges as a way of honoring and remembering the heroes, first responders, and civilians who made the ultimate sacrifice to help their colleagues, friends, and family in New York City, NY on September 11, 2001.


The Fuquay Coworking Adventure Team has been training for the 9/11 Weekend Challenges since April 2016.  We invite all Triangle rucking, fitness, & adventure enthusiasts to join us for one or both challenges.


GORUCK Tough Challenge (GRT)

Friday, September 9th, 2016
Raleigh, NC  |  9PM to ~9AM (~12 hour Event)

  • 10-12 Hours
  • 15-20 Miles
  • Avg. Completion Rate: 94%

Registration: http://ow.ly/JCLa302XH3v


GORUCK Light Challenge (GRL)

Saturday, September 10th, 2016
Raleigh, NC  |  2PM to ~6PM (~4 hour Event)

  • ~4 Hours
  • 8-10 Miles
  • Avg, Completion Rate 100%

Registration: http://ow.ly/FgEM302XFSq

Why the GORUCK TOUGH & LIGHT Challenges?

The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, changed America and the lives of Americans forever. GORUCK Cadre conduct 9/11 Commemorative events around the country to honor and remember those we lost: the courageous First Responders and the soldiers who fought in the Global War on Terrorism. Cadre and all willing participants will share their 9/11 story: where were you, how did it change your life? Never Forget.


The hardest part is signing up.