Fuquay Coworking's Adventure Team Competes in the Ingress UrbanOps in Savannah, GA - Fuquay Coworking by Empowered Ideas
Fuquay Coworking, by Empowered Ideas, is a creative coworking space designed for local entrepreneurs — by entrepreneurs. Our mission is to foster creative entrepreneurial development through a creative environment, resources, and access to business services successful entrepreneurs need. We bring the resources and knowledge of enterprise business to local small business owners, in a safe and pressure-free environment, and without the need to invest in expensive office space and equipment.
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Fuquay Coworking’s Adventure Team Competes in the Ingress UrbanOps in Savannah, GA

Fuquay Coworking’s Adventure Team Competes in the Ingress UrbanOps in Savannah, GA

Members of the Fuquay Coworking Adventure Team will be participating in a competition that merges the Augmented Reality Game of #INGRESS with the physical challenges and leadership building skills of #GoRuck. Codenamed #UrbanOps, the event is a 4 hour challenge that occurs simultaneously with the Ingress Aegis Nova Anomaly event in Savannah, GA. Participants will be competing for points that will affect the overall score for each Faction (Resistance vs. Enlightened), in the world’s largest Global Augmented Reality competition.

Saturday, May 28th

Savannah, GA

$75-85 per person | http://www.goruck.com/urban-ops-savannah-ga-05-28-2016-11255/p/E011255


  • This is a cross­-factional event. Competitions during Urban Ops will be Resistance vs. Enlightened.
  • Point totals from Urban Ops and the outcomes of the team competitions will greatly affect the outcome of the Anomaly. For your faction, there is strength in numbers and in diversity. This is more a mental challenge than a physical one.
  • Physical requirements for Urban Ops are low, though it is more challenging and occurs at a faster pace than normal Anomaly gameplay. It is accessible to all Agents who are capable of moving several miles within the allotted time frame. As a team, all Agents have strengths they can contribute toward a successful outcome.
  • To receive your Anomaly badge and memorabilia, you must also register separately for the Anomaly through Niantic registration.


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