Cortex CoGaming Archives - Fuquay Coworking by Empowered Ideas
Fuquay Coworking, by Empowered Ideas, is a creative coworking space designed for local entrepreneurs — by entrepreneurs. Our mission is to foster creative entrepreneurial development through a creative environment, resources, and access to business services successful entrepreneurs need. We bring the resources and knowledge of enterprise business to local small business owners, in a safe and pressure-free environment, and without the need to invest in expensive office space and equipment.
Coworking, Fuquay-Varina, Fuquay, Varina, Office, Office Space, Cowork, Shared Office, Community Coworking, Coworking Community
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Cortex CoGaming Tag

Around 40 individuals participated in this year’s Global Game Jam (GGJ19), an event run concurrently across 113 countries, at Fuquay Coworking in Fuquay-Varina, NC (one of only a handful of GGJ locations in the State. In total, Global Game Jam 2019 involved 47,000 Jammers (participants)...

On Saturday, September 29th, 2018 we will be hosting an official MINECON Earth Party, a unique and exciting LIVE streaming event to their global audience of Minecraft fans. Sites all across the globe were approved as Official MINECON EARTH Party locations, and Fuquay Coworking/Cortex CoGaming was approved as one...

Fuquay Coworking has been selected as an OFFICIAL Jam Site for the 2018 Global Game Jam, which is a global challenge across 95+ countries, with a goal of developing video and board games in 48 hours (or less). Create a Complete Game from Scratch in...